Traveling Blog by Aden: Inside of Yogyakarta Palace

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Inside of Yogyakarta Palace

As I wrote before that in Yogyakarta state a palace or Kraton in Indonesian language.
The Kraton (Palace) was built in 1755 after the division of Mataram and the establishment of the sultanate of Yogyakarta. It is a vast complex of courtyards, halls and pavilions in Javanese traditional architecture. Construction of the innermost group of courtyards and pavilions was completed in 1757, which corresponds with the Javanese year 1682. This date is portrayed on the lintel of the entrance gate by two snakes facing opposite directions with their tails entwined.

The most important structures of this palace, located in the central courtyard, are the Bangsal Kencono or Golden Pavilion with its annexing Proboyekso pavilion. The Golden Pavilion, like most of the halls, is an open structure. It is most ornately carved wooden beams. Here, the Sultan used to receive royal guests, give dance performances by specially trained court dancers, and held balls and banquets on great state occasions

photos by MZ Ghani

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