Traveling Blog by Aden: An Inspirational and Motivational Blog

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

An Inspirational and Motivational Blog

Guys, as an employee sometimes I feel frustrated when I have to do something important in my life but it can’t be done because my boss has not permitted me. For that reason, this time I try a new challenge by doing another job as a network marketer, in my free time of course.
I have a dream to own time and financial freedom!

But in fact work as a Network Marketer is not easy. My days can be filled with negative responses and plain old stuff to bring me down! Dream stealer's present everywhere I turn.

One sulution to freeing me from the frustration I always visit Karl's blog who always inspiring me with a touch or strength with his daily giving. Karl Moore is a best-selling author and entrepreneur. He posts inspirational messages to his blog daily, designed to inspire and help individuals in their spiritual growth. Within his blog you can learn how your intentions set your attitude and of course read humor to make your stress released.

1 comment:

  1. wah, betapa bangganya kalo ternyata blog kita -yang artinya adalah tulisan-tulisan kita- dianggap mampu menginspirasi dan memotivasi orang lain, ya? jadi menulis blog nggak cuma sekedar berisi curhat basi semata, tapi minimal ada gunanya buat orang lain. hmm, nikmat banget kali, ya? *kapan gue bisa gitu?* ...
